
Bi-Weekly Digest 24

Latest News

  • April 11: The second meeting of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children was held at the Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights. 2 months have passed since our last meeting. During this time, we managed to bring home another 38 little Ukrainians.
  • April 8: Russia has begun preparations for the abduction of Ukrainian children from temporarily occupied territories under the guise of so-called “rehabilitation” in time of summer vacation period. 2,480 children and 150 teachers are ready to receive abducted Ukrainian minors in sanatoriums of St. Petersburg. At least five more regions of Russia have expressed their willingness to join such an initiative.
  • April 8: Russian volunteer, Oleksandr Demydenko, who helped forcibly deported Ukrainians leave Russia, died in a detention center in the Belgorod region.
  • April 4: Olena Zelenska called on the international community to make more efforts to return illegally deported and forcibly displaced Ukrainian children by Russia and bring the perpetrators to justice.
  • April 3: At the conference in The Hague, representatives of 44 states supported the idea of creating a special tribunal for Russia.
  • April 3: Dmytro Lubinets, Ukraine’s Commissioner for Human Rights, offered the Republic of South Africa to become an intermediary for the return home of all Ukrainians illegally detained by Russia.
  • April 3: At least 285 Ukrainian children were placed in an orphan “bank” by Russia, according to an investigation by journalists “Verstka” and “Vazhnye istorii”.



Advocacy advances

  1. Together with partners, Ukraine 5 AM Coalition, Almenda, and the Crimean Human Rights Group, conducted a round table, “Stolen Childhood: How Russia Prepares Ukrainian Children for War in Occupation and Deportation,” dedicated to the agenda of Russia’s aggressive militarization and deportation of Ukraine’s minors. 
  2. Ombudsman of Ukraine, Lubinets, convened at the Center for the Protection of Children’s Rights alongside Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Maria Pejchynovych-Burych, and Dominika Hasler, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Education, and Sports of Liechtenstein, who also serves as Chairwoman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. At the meeting, Lubinets urged the Council of Europe to actively support the accession of new countries to the International Coalition.
  3. The US House of Representatives adopted a resolution “Condemning the illegal abduction of children from Ukraine to the Russian Federation,” stating the Russian government was responsible for the illegal kidnapping of children from Ukraine.



Materials we facilitated

  1. https://www.wnp.pl/rynki-zagraniczne/ngo-ukraina-odzyska-wszystkie-deportowane-dzieci-tylko-wtedy-gdy-wygra-na-polu-bitwy,818602.html
  2. https://kresy24.pl/rosja-przygotowuje-uprowadzone-ukrainskie-dzieci-do-nowej-roli/
  3. https://fakty.ua/435600-malchik-vmeste-s-sosedkoj-pohoronil-vozle-doma-svoyu-mamu-ubituyu-rashistami-rebenok-iz-mariupolya-rasskazal-o-perezhitom-kongressmenam-ssha
  4. https://www.unian.ua/war/viyna-v-ukrajini-rosiyski-zagarbniki-stvorili-policeyskiy-klas-na-okupovaniy-hersonshchini-12588693.html
  5. https://www.rfi.fr/uk/%
  6. https://www.voicecrimea.com.ua/main/news/osvita-na-tot-ce-ne-pro-zabezpechennya-stalogo-rozvitku-ce-pro-propagandu-vijni-mariya-sulyalina.html
  7. https://crimeahrg.org/uk/czil-patriotichnogo-vihovannya-odna-zmusiti-ditej-sluzhiti-v-armi%D1%97-rf-skripnik/
  8. https://www.polskieradio.pl/398/7856/Artykul/3355625
  9. https://www.dw.com/uk/rosia-sistemno-gotue-z-ukrainskih-ditej-garmatne-maso-doslidniki/a-68673366


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